Dear God,
So I punished my 10 years old because he broke a rule in the house. Naturally, he will take the punishment in his strides and move on but this time, I saw him sitting down quietly with a reflective sad look on his face.
That was unusual for such an over-bubbly and over-active boy, so I called him to my room.
The heart of a mother can hold out for only so long…
“You good?”
He shrugged.
“Do you understand why you were punished?”
“Sort of” was the answer
“Sort of meaning?”
“That I think I should understand but I dont think I do”, he shrugged
“Okay, let’s talk about it. You are not supposed to watch TV on school days right?
“But you did, and worse, you hadn’t finished your homework, and that’s a No”
“But mummy, I wasn’t watching the TV….
“Seriously?”, I said emphatically
“You know, in my books, lying about an offense is a worse offense than the offense?”
“I was just standing and looking at it”
I paused. See this boy oo!

“What is the difference between “standing and looking at it” and “watching it”
“Mummy, I did not put the TV on”
I stared at him.
He sighed in frustration.
“See, the TV was on, I was passing, something cut my attention, I stood and I was looking at it…….”
“And for how long was this looking at it?”
“Well…….it became funny and more interesting….”
“And you kept looking, and looking and breaking the rules, and got caught and got punished……bingo!” I finished.
“Mummy, I did not put the TV on”
“Why do you keep saying that….?”
“Somebody put the TV on….”
“That somebody happen to be me…” I emphasized staring him down.
“If we cannot watch TV on school days, then the TV should not be on on school days” he aurged

“1st of all, ..I countered, “Its not “we” uncle…’s “You”…..and any other other person still in school in this house….
“So that includes “You” mummy, shey you are in school too? You are doing that online school?” He countered too, folding his hands on his chest.
“See me oo”
“2ndly Uncle, this is my house, my TV, my space, my rules..
“It’s not fair”
What is not fair……?
“My eyes are for seeing, looking and seeing…….it cannot stop looking”
“Then close it when you are passing the living room. It will help you learn control”.
“What if I fall and break my legs…”

“There are two hospitals close to this Estate, we will take you to one….”
“But mummy, it’s not fair that the adults watch TV on week days and the children don’t……”
“There are privileges to being an adult, you know…..” I smiled winking at him.
“Even if it leads us into temptation?” He asked raising his eyebrows
I almost choked.
“What did you say?”
“Remember that prayer we used to pray, that you explained one morning…….Lead us not into temptation……” he said
I stared at him.
And for the 1st time, his argument hit home.
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient”
Our son was asking us to live by example and in moderation to help them keep the rules.
Aouch! Hmmmn.
“Fine!, listen young man, I said, we will review that rule and make it easier for you to adapt. Maybe the adults can start watching TV by 9pm after you guys have gone to bed, yes?”
He nodded.
“Or we can watch with you for only 1 hour before we go to bed….” he tried.
“30mins, mummy please!”
“You are pushing it!”
“Okay! But What about Daddy? He will not agree to wait till 9pm to watch his games…..”
“Yeah, I know…..let’s cross that bridge when we get there…Yes?
“Okay! Thanks Mummy”.
“We good?”
And he dashed off. Back to his breezy self.


I sat quietly and thought through our conversations. My son has just reminded me about the value of leading by example. Not just as a parent, but as a Christian, as a professional and as a person.
Lead us not into temptation……
Waoh, What a word from a child.
Oh Lord, please forgive me if I have in my thoughts, words or actions led anyone into temptation. Misguided their thoughts and manipulated their perspectives. I am truly sorry.
I will try and live by example. I wont claim it’s easy, but I will reflect your goodness to all mankind. I will live intentionally, knowing that You are watching……
This is Your daughter and I am checking in.