Grandma and my Yam Porridge
Dear God, Whenever I find myself saddled with a deep sense of ingratitude, or an
It shall end in Praise!
Dear God, I didn’t initially plan to talk to tall and handsome. It was just
Sonia’s Story
Dear God The story…… So, Sonia is the 1st out of 4 children. They were
Hunted by the Past
Dear God, If I remember correctly, the good book says that….”old things are passed away
Let’s be more intentional about raising the boy!
Dear God, I am here now. (Do you like the expressions on my face? I
Raising the Boy-Child – Part 2
Dear God, I tried to recall some of the things that happened in our childhood,
Raising the boy child
Dear God, (Long laughter) I am sorry I am laughing, Lord. I just knew you
Cast your bread upon the waters again
Dear God, Yesterday, someone sent to me this letter that I wrote to you 8
Lessons from Grandma: Life and its curve balls!
Dear God, Just one more lesson, I couldn’t resist this one. (Hahaha, stop rolling your